Flooring & Joint Maintenance: Self-Perform vs. Hiring a Contractor

Flooring & Joint Maintenance: Self-Perform vs. Hiring a Contractor

You’re comfortable doing the minor repairs yourself and you’ve gotten good at it. But this overlay of a large area has your confidence dropping and you’re not sure your people can do it. At what point should you consider hiring a contractor?

1. Consider the ability of your people.

How do you feel about your teams ability to do this? Could they work with these materials for longer periods of time? Are they skilled enough for this application?

2. How much time do you have?

Will having this area back in service quickly be critical? Can you pull your people off their already tight schedule to do this yourself?

3. What’s the risk?

If you self-perform and you get in over your head, how much more will it cost in dollars and reputation to get it re-done in the end?

4. Consider your budget.

You may not be able to afford a contractor. You may have to consider breaking the area up into bite size pieces and do it as you have time.

If you aren’t confident of you ability to do it, consider a contractor. We’ll even point you toward some in your area. But, if you want to do it yourself, make sure you take a look at this Flooring and Joint checklist.

Flooring & Joint Repair Checklist