Cut Your Time for Torquing When There’s a Lot to Do

Cut Your Time for Torquing When There’s a Lot to Do


Torquing is a critical step in your installation of flanges and equipment, but, it is just so time consuming. You could have flanges with 16 or 60 bolts or turbines with nearly 100. Take the sheer number of bolts times the time it takes to turn them with a hydraulic wrench times the number of passes you have to make to get each flange done. Wow, that’s a lot of minutes. There are a few options to help you speed up this operation and reduce your time to something reasonable. 

Make sure your hydraulic pumps have multiple outlets. Pumps that operate up to 4 tools at once are readily available for rent or purchase. This is good for smaller tools and the time you’re saving is the moving of tools for each bolt. 

Air powered nut runners are a calibrated option to get bolts tightened quickly to close to your final torque. This allows for a quick finish with the hydraulic tools for better accuracy. Of course, there is always a battery powered option too.

These are just a few options to reducing the time it takes to perform your critical torquing. Give us a call and we’ll help you with the best option for your project.