Can I Apply Coating to Steel Equipment Myself? The Answer is Yes!

Can I Apply Coating to Steel Equipment Myself? The Answer is Yes!

Let’s face it, everyone would like to resurface or coat their worn-out processing equipment but most people don’t think they can do it. But, having a contractor come in and do the work is going to be too expensive. And you’ll have to work around their schedule. Most maintenance professionals just don’t know how easy it is.

Myth 1: “Applying a coating is too difficult. Besides, I don’t have the equipment.”

But it’s a lot easier than you ever imagined. For touch-ups, it could be as easy as using an aerosol. Larger areas can be brushed. Spraying is an option but only if you can move the equipment outside since the overspray will be airborne.

Myth 2: “Paints and coatings aren’t USDA approved for my application.”

Steel-it coating systems meet and exceed the standards that are set by the USDA. Not only are they nontoxic and low VOC, they are approved for both direct and incidental contact. These resurfacing materials will not only extend the life of your equipment, but are also free of harmful chemicals.

Myth 3: “It takes too long to cure.”

Resurfacing your equipment should not take days to complete. For heavy duty use, you can apply 1 coat of the primer, 2 coats of the finish, and be put back to service in as little as 36 hours. You could even apply the materials on a Friday and be back to work on the following Monday.

(Poly u is dry to touch in 2 hours and should be recoated in 24 hours. The finished system can be put back into light service in 36 hours,)

Recoating processing equipment can be put off because of the misconception that it takes a lot of experience. Wear and tear is expected given the conditions in the food processing industry. Your equipment has to hold up to the daily abuse and remain reliable. Purchasing new equipment is out of the question just based on the drive to keep up with demand.

You can count on Steel-it products to extend the life of your equipment even under your harshest conditions.

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