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Sika Sikadur 42 Grout Pak .5 CF Unit 91060

Adhesives Technology Accugrout 0.5 CF

Adhesives Technology Accugrout 0.5 CF

Euclid NC Grout 50lb Bag

Euclid NC Grout is a non-shrink, high-strength grout formulated for precision grouting, anchoring, and repairing applications. With its excellent flowability and rapid strength development, it ensures reliable and efficient results.

  • Minimizes shrinkage and voids, ensuring a secure and durable bond.
  • Provides exceptional load-bearing capacity and structural stability.
  • Accelerates project timelines by quickly reaching desired strength levels.
Euclid NC Grout s a non-shrink, non-staining grout. Its multi-flow quality allows this product to be used at various consistencies including pumping into inaccessible areas. NC Grout may be packed, rodded, vibrated, poured or pumped. It has high compressive and flexural strengths and is non-rusting and non-corrosive.

Interior or exterior
Machinery base plates
Structural steel
Anchor bolts
Precast structural members

Can be used in wet areas - will not rust. Above or below grade. Versatile flow capability. See datasheet for more information.
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Brand Euclid Chemical
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