Chemlink SOF-Rod Backer Rod Carton 7/8 x 350ft F2302
Sika Universal Color Pack Stone 486236
Chemlink SOF-Rod Backer Rod Carton 1-1/8 x 125ft F2303
Chem Link SOF®-Rod is a cylindrical, flexible foam rod for use as a sealant backing. SOF®-Rod is composed of a bi-cellular material. SOF®-Rod may also be used as a gasket or sealing material as per ASTM C 717. TEMPERATURE LIMITS: -45˚F to +160˚F.
Chemlink SOF-Rod Backer Rod is a cylindrical, flexible foam rod for use as a sealant backing. SOF-Rod is composed of a bi-cellular material. SOF-Rod may also be used as a gasket or sealing material as per ASTM C 717. Common applications include, but are not limited to,expansion and contraction joints, window glazing, curtain wall construction partitions, parking decks, bridge construction, modular home gasketing, and log home chinking.
Advantages Easy to apply Virtually dust-free No outgassing Chemically inert Meets all of the requirements of the 1990 Clean Air Act Is a “Domestic End Product” as defined in the Buy American Act, Title 41 USC 10
Use of SOF-Rod limits the depth of the sealant and prevents excessive sealant use. It also acts as a barrier to the flow of sealant through the joint, helps prevent 3 point bonding, and forces the sealant to take a more optimum shape prolonging sealant service life.
SOF Rod is composed of a bi-cellular polyolefin foam. Bi-cellular polyolefin foam is compatible, both physically and chemically, with most cold applied sealants. Compatibility of sealants in contact with backings can be evaluated according to ASTM 1087 test Method C.