Roadware 10 Minute Conrcete Mender is a two-part polyurethane that penetrates deep into concrete to make permanent repairs. Nearly thin as water at less than 9cps, Concrete Mender actually injects itself into the matrix of the concrete and shores up the existing concrete as well as making the repair. Concrete Mender eliminates the bond-line as it Microdowels into the concrete.
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender™ is a two-part polyurethane that penetrates deep into concrete to make permanent repairs. Nearly thin as water at less than 9cps, Concrete Mender™ actually injects itself into the matrix of the concrete and shores up the existing concrete as well as making the repair. Concrete Mender™ eliminates the bond-line as it Microdowels into the concrete. We call it Microdowling™.
Roadware 10 Minute Concrete Mender creates a permanent repair in 10 minutes. Just minutes after application, Concrete Mender™ cures to a tough 4500psi polymer concrete that transfers heavy loads throughout the repair area. No more pop outs. Material can be extended up two two times its volume with the use of dried sand.
10 minute cure time. Works in freezing temperatures, below 20 degrees Fahrenheit. May be polished, painted, coated, and sanded. Low VOC. Meets USDA guidelines.
600ml Cartridge. Requires use of applicator gun. See datasheet for product specifications.