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Prime Resins Prime Flex 900 XLV Cartridge

Prime Resins Prime Flex 900 XLV Cartridge

Avanti AV-202 Multigrout 10.5oz Cartridge AV-202-CARCS

Avanti AV-202 Multigrout 10.5oz Cartridge AV-202-CARCS

Prime Resins Kick Fast 66oz Unit

Prime Resins Kick Fast 66oz Unit

Datasheet (PDF) || SDS (PDF)

Availability: Out of stock

Datasheet (PDF) || SDS (PDF)

Prime Resins Kick Fast is the catalyst needed when a very fast set time is required when using Prime Resins’ hydrophobic polyurethane injection resins. It is used at 10% concentration to ensure a very fast set time. Extremely cold water or high hydrostatic pressure are two examples of situations where Kick Fast is the appropriate choice.
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Brand Prime Resins
Size 66oz
Manufacturer Prime Resins