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Five Star Products Structural Concrete VO 50 lb Pail

Dayton Thin Resurfacer 50lb bag 67483

Dayton Thin Resurfacer 50lb bag 67483

Dayton J29 Weather Worker 40% 5 Gallon 69138


Weather Worker™ 40% J29 is a proprietary 40% silane that penetrates into concrete or masonry and provides long term weatherproofing protection. Weather Worker 40% J29 will not darken the surface or leave a visible surface film. It is ideal for aesthetic/architectural surfaces.

  • Small silane molecurles result in deep penetration
  • Dries quickly, can be reopened to traffic within one hour
  • No color change/will not darken surface
Availability: Out of stock

Dayton Superior Weather Worker 40% J29 is a proprietary 40% silane that penetrates into concrete and provides long term weatherproofing protection. Weather Worker 40% J29 is a single component product that is ready to use and typically requires only one application. The silane molecule can penetrate deeper into the substrate than conventional sealers and even deeper than a typical siloxane sealer.

Once the silane molecule penetrates the surface, it chemically reacts with, and bonds to, the concrete or masonry substrate. As a result of the strong chemical bond, silane waterproof protection will last many times longer than conventional coatings. Weather Worker 40% J29 will not darken the surface or leave a visible surface film. It is ideal for aesthetic/architectural surfaces.

Weather Worker 40% J29 provides outstanding long term weatherproof protection for all types of concrete and masonry surfaces that will dramatically increase the life expectancy of concrete or masonry. Weather Worker 40% J29 dries quickly, allowing traffic to resume quickly. Can be applied in cold temperature, down to 32°F (0°C). Protects all types of structures: (New and Old) cast-in-place and precast concrete, exposed aggregate mortar, stucco. J29 prevents or inhibits: moisture penetration, attack by deicing salts and chloride ions, reinforcing steel and precast anchor corrosion, mildew, leaching attack by airborne industrial chemicals, spalling caused by freeze-thaw cycles, efflorescence, surface scaling.
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Brand Dayton Superior
Size 5 Gallon
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